Application of Grounded Theory in Critical Realism Research Method in Critical Realism

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Assistant Professor, Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Whether or not critical realism as an epistemological paradigm in the philosophy of science can help social sciences in the field of methodology, especially research methods. For this purpose, this text believes that Grounded Theory as a research method in interpretative theory can provide critical realism with the necessary tools for research on causality and context. Critical Realism believes that there is a real-world independent of human knowledge. This world has mechanisms that create events and phenomena. Critical Realism is a new paradigm in social science. To understand these mechanisms, realism uses retroductive strategy and abstract concepts and models. This paradigm can provide research designs that apply different research methods. The extensive design uses a quantitative method in the empirical and incidental realm, and the intensive design uses a qualitative method in the real realm combination design uses both research methodologies. Another idea is that critical realism employs certain methods such as the historical method and grounded theory. Critical realism uses grounded theory by presenting a structure/context/mechanism/event model with a short-term scope. The situational matrix of grounded theory includes causal conditions / contextual conditions and interactive strategy/ outcome. If these four elements are more or less present when studying, grounded theory can be a research method of critical realism in studies of short-term domains.


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