Optional action and its principles in Allameh Tabatabai's Theory of Action

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 responsible author, trainer and researcher, Institute of Education, Shahid Sadr Research Institute, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty, Education Think Tank, Shahid Sadr Research Institute, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


The question of what and how voluntary action is one of the important topics of the philosophy of action. Among all the Islamic thinkers, Allameh Tabataba'i has stood out from other wisdom and wisdom with his extensive and special opinions about the process of human activity. This article has examined his point of view on this issue from three angles; What is optional verb and its relationship with volitional verb, division and classification of verbs and bases of issuing verbs.

The present article, which has been carried out using the library method and the fundamental analysis of themes, makes it clear that Allameh Tabatabaei defines the optional verb with effective knowledge and will, and with this criterion, he considers the verbs with intent, with premeditation, and with intent as different categories of optional verbs, all of which They are common in acknowledging necessity, passion and will. Allameh's distinguishing point in the discussion about the principles of the formation of action is that, firstly, he considers the science that is the origin of action to be the knowledge of knowledge, which is based on the recognition of perfection. And thirdly, he did not consider science as the true origin of actions, but considered it as a function of the ego and sensual attention of man, and considers science as the only necessary and complementary condition for issuing action.


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