The Difficulty of Defining Development



Development is a term used vastly and very frequently, and numerous books, studies, articles and reviews carry the title of development which many countries consider one of their main objectives. These countries expect that through development they can satisfy many of their needs Now, let's see what is meant by development. In our country' the term "development" has been flexibly used so that its definition varies from one person to another and from one group to another. However, it is not an easy thing to reach a final decision about the question "What is development?" For, on the one hand, if we do not exactly define the term development, ideas may be exchanged in a misty and dim atmosphere in which no external disagreement can indicate real disagreement and no external agreement can reveal real agreement. On the other hand, the clear and precise understanding of development and all the available literature on development entirely revolves round determining the meaning and concept of development.

In this article, the writer attempts, though in a preliminary manner, to show the rules of scientific definition and uncover the unscientific definitions.
