Soft Systems Dynamics Methodology: a Combined Systemic Approach in Entrepreneurship Researches

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Professor at Business Creation Department, Entrepreneurship Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associated Professor at Business Creation Department, Entrepreneurship Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD Candidate at Business Creation Department, Entrepreneurship Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Entrepreneurship is a complex and multilevel phenomenon, based on critical realism, complex phenomena such as entrepreneurship occur in open systems and act at different levels of reality; in order to study of the exact nature of such phenomenon, it is necessary to use the appropriate methodology. The core of entrepreneurship is new venture creation, which could be defined as a dynamic process and an open system; that phenomenon drived from interactions of individual, organizational, and environmental elements, and are affected by various factors. The purpose of this research is to introduce and present a combined systemic methodology for entrepreneurship researches and especially studies related to new venture creation, that done by narrative reviewing systemic methodologies in the field of business. Since entrepreneurship involves both mental aspects and visible and measurable aspects; therefore, to studying it, can not only use soft systems thinking and soft system methodology, or hard systems thinking and system dynamics. Thus in entrepreneurship researches, for the modeling of the entrepreneurship process in the form of a dynamic system, can use the soft systems dynamics methodology that has developed from the combination of the soft systems methodology and system dynamics in recent decades.


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