Journal of Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities (MSSH) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published by Research Institute of Hawzah and University (RIHU), the leading research institute in Islamic Humanities and Social Sciences in Iran. MSSH has been established as the first scientific publication in the field of philosophy and methodology of social sciences and humanities in Iran to provide an intellectual platform for national and international researchers working on related issues. The main objective of journal of Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities (MSSH) is to provide an intellectual platform for national and international researchers to discuss their most recent findings related to philosophical and methodological foundations of social sciences and humanities. By doing so, the Journal hopes to improve the status of the field in Iran and in the world and to find solutions to theoretical and practical problems the profession is faced with. Given the importance of the human sciences, research into the philosophical and methodological foundations of these sciences, as well as the critique and evaluation of them, along with efforts to extract Islamic foundations and perspectives in the field of human sciences, holds significant value and a high status. By methodology, we mean the paradigm of science, and we are not concerned with developing into the techniques of research methods. Rather, we seek to explore discussions that address the essence of the logic of research methods—where these methods come from and what kind of knowledge they produce. In fact, the human sciences, which explain the workings of the social world, derive their identity and strength from methodology as the determinant of the identity of a scientific paradigm and its empowering force. Methodology is the ground and framework for the production and reproduction of scientific knowledge. Since scientific knowledge is methodologically grounded, it is within methodology that logic, theory, and research method operate together. This perspective on methodology, distinct from research methods, is the area of interest for this journal. In this regard, the following objectives have been considered as a roadmap for MSSH. To serve this purpose, researchers are encouraged to submit their unpublished, original, full-length papers for potential publication in the journal. MSSH has started its activity since 1995 being published by the Department of Philosophy of Social Sciences and Humanities. All other processes for paper publication are sponsored by RIHU Press.

About Methodology of Humanities and Social Sciences:

  • Country of Publication: Iran
  • Publisher: Research Institute of Hawzah and University(RIHU)
  • Format: Online
  • Print ISSN: 7070-1608
  • E-ISSN: 5774-2588
  • Available from: 
  • Acceptance Rate: 10%
  • Frequency: quarterly (4 issues/year)
  • Publication Dates: March,June, September, December
  • Advance Access: Yes
  • Language: Persian with extended English abstracts
  • Scope: Philosophy and Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Article Processing Charges: 6000000 Iranian Rial (IRR)
  • Type of Journal: Academic / Scholarly
  • Open Access: Yes
  • Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
  • Policy: Double Blind Peer Review; two reviewers
  • Review Time: 1 to 6 months approximately
  • Contact E-mail:
  • Alternate E-mail:
Current Issue: Volume 30, Issue 120, October 2025, Pages 1-113 

A Reflection on Post-Qualitative Inquiry

Pages 21-40


Hossein Khanifar; Seyed Hossein Mousavi; Seyyedeh Mahsa Mousavi; Ladan Hajianvari

A Narrative Review of Critical Realism in Information Systems Research

Pages 77-95


Shaban Elahi; Fatemeh Agha-pour; Alireza Hassanzadeh; Naser Shahsavari-pour

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