Natural Purpose (organism) and its relation to the Final Purpose in Kant's third critique

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Ph.D. Student of Philosophy, Department of philosophy, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of philosophy, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Kant in Critique of Judgment, regards nature as the system of purposes, and contrary to the cause and effect system and the mechanistic approach that dominated his philosophy in the critique of pure reason, teleology and the teleological approach became the most important feature of Kant's third critique. Konigsberger's philosopher in the confrontation with nature, especially in organisms and animals and plants, finds that mechanistic approach could not be explained, so without denying the causality principle, he resorted to the principle of teleology in nature, attributing the former to the phenomenal world, and the second to the nominal world, because man is a citizen of both worlds.
Natural purpose or organic beings are the most important beings that Kant explain with his teleological approach. They are their cause and their effect, and on the other hand produce their own kind, as well as their survival and growth done through themselves, that way, they absorb substances from the outside and give them their own face.
In Kant's view, the ultimate purpose can only be human because he is capable to developing the purposes and by human will as the moral being that nature can be teleological, and determination the purpose by human will is culture or nurture, and thereby giving value to nature, otherwise nature and the creatures in it were in vain.
Keywords:“Kant”, “purpose”,“Natural Purpose(organism)”, “nature”, “purpose system”, “final purpose”,“human”.


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