The ontology of the organization from the perspective of Islamic philosophy

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Research Institute of Hawzah and University


The purpose of this article is to study and explain the position of philosophy of knowledge in the knowledge of the organization and management with emphasis on the ontology of the organization from the perspective of Islamic philosophy. Philosophical issues are considered as one of the foundations in influencing the knowledge of the organization and management. Epistemology, ontology and anthropology are among the important issues in philosophy that play a decisive role in the method, content and orientation of management and organization issues. By acknowledging this role, Islamic philosophy, as an alternative to other philosophies, in its consideration of issues in this field, can have a potential impact on the knowledge of management and organization. To answer this effect, with an exploratory approach and in a rational way, the obligatory implications of the views of Muslim philosophers by referring to their sources (with emphasis on Allameh Tabatabai's credit theory), the ontology of the organization and related management knowledge are discussed.


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