Introduction to research policy for production of Islamic human sciences; pathologies and approaches



The power of religion in contemporary Era depends on its efficiency in different scientific fields. So turn to subject of religious science as one of the human sciences discussions is the most fundamental issues of our society and Islamic system in Iran. Therefore, it seems making policy to obtain producing Islamic human sciences is very necessity. Existence of a religious paradigm is necessary for producing Islamic human sciences and existence of a paradigm depends on existence of a scientific community that making policy for it must be performed.
The meaning of making policy in this paper is a middle time planning that containing: pathological parameters; preparation and specifying preferences of education, research and Performance; aiming and collection of exact coherency programs for desired Purposes. The aims of this article are: To obtain a desired model of religious science by criticizing contemporary theories; to prevent from anarchy in methodology of research in Islamic human sciences; and to provide making policy for producing Islamic human sciences
