The concept of metaphor has long been studied in various branches of knowledge. this means that metaphor is not only considered as a literary presentation, but in parallel with the growth of knowledge in various branches of liberal arts, metaphor and its place have increased. In this research, we have tried to take a historical look at the process of metaphor research based on new achievements of linguistic-neurocognitive and contemporary cognitive science by introducing metaphor as the basis of knowing the basic components of cognitive sciences and cognitive metaphor as the most important part of these sciences as a theoretical framework in the field of methodology. We call the understanding of political thought metaphorical to propose. Based on the data of the upcoming article, since in the framework of contemporary cognitive sciences one of basic foundations of our conceptual system is the metaphorical mechanism of understanding. Therefore, the main hypothesis of this research is that by considering the theory of conceptual metaphor as one of the main pillars of the theoretical framework of contemporary cognitive sciences, a new light on the understanding of a different kind of conceptualization and reasoning in the texts of political thought, with emphasis on the contemporary theories of metaphor and cognitive neuroscience, thrown and a basis will be provided in the methodology of understanding the texts of political thought.
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Razavi, S., athari, S., & najafzadeh, M. (2023). Applying Conceptual metaphor in contemporary cognitive sciences as a Theoretical framework for understanding the texts of political thoughts. Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities, 29(114), 91-105. doi: 10.30471/mssh.2023.8890.2373
seyediman Razavi; seyydhossein athari; mahdi najafzadeh. "Applying Conceptual metaphor in contemporary cognitive sciences as a Theoretical framework for understanding the texts of political thoughts". Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities, 29, 114, 2023, 91-105. doi: 10.30471/mssh.2023.8890.2373
Razavi, S., athari, S., najafzadeh, M. (2023). 'Applying Conceptual metaphor in contemporary cognitive sciences as a Theoretical framework for understanding the texts of political thoughts', Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities, 29(114), pp. 91-105. doi: 10.30471/mssh.2023.8890.2373
Razavi, S., athari, S., najafzadeh, M. Applying Conceptual metaphor in contemporary cognitive sciences as a Theoretical framework for understanding the texts of political thoughts. Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023; 29(114): 91-105. doi: 10.30471/mssh.2023.8890.2373