Assessment of administrative corruption; An explanation of the methodological necessities for designing national indices



Explanation of essential requisites for designing national indices of administrative corruption in Iran necessitates the study, classification and criticism of the existing indices for the assessment of administrative corruption based on the historical career, practical levels, examples of administrative corruption and methodological approaches has been used in their designing. To do, it is necessary to have a comparative study on the indices and methodological necessities for designing national indices of such an explanation. The results of this research paper are summarized as follow: the obligation for designing national indices, investigating the phenomena being assessed, benefitting from rich theoretical foundations, necessity for methodology of designing the indices, considering the importance of the resources for gathering data and combining the qualitative and quantitative data, ensuring the access to the valid data, accepting the necessity for various assessments or supplementary assessments, caring about the poor and vulnerable groups and finally, the necessity for accepting the responsibility of acquired index.
