The nature of science in the Islamic paradigm

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Research Institute and University, Qom, Iran


Human life and his/her evolutionary and spiritual development depend on communicating with the reality that is in front of him/her. What establishes this connection is science, whose nature remains in a place of ambiguity due to many and varied definitions and other reasons. However, despite the consensus about the basic questions about science and the necessity of dealing with it, there is a lot of disagreement about what it is and its precise definition. This article focuses on the issue of ambiguity in understanding the word science in different texts. Because science is very diverse and plural in logic, philosophy, philosophy of science, and religious texts, and this diversity and pluralism has caused ambiguity in understanding the meaning and nature of science. Also, the common vocabulary of the word science, the continuity of the nature of science, and the inaccuracy in the translation of knowledge, discipline, and science to science have intensified this ambiguity. Maybe this essay will cause, when a text about science is studied, to pay attention to which point of view science has been looked at, to minimize ambiguities. Finally, to verify the meaning of science, a paradigm is presented at the end.
Man's life and his evolutionary and spiritual movement depend on communicating with the reality that is facing him. What establishes this connection is science, whose nature remains in a state of ambiguity due to many and varied definitions and other reasons. Despite the consensus about the basic questions about science and the necessity of dealing with it, there is a lot of disagreement about what it is and its precise definition. In addition, one of the challenges regarding science is the existence of many perceptions and interpretations of the word science in different sources. Also, the continuity of the nature of science (cf. Kafi, 1402) has made this challenge more serious. The third problem in understanding the meaning of science arises from the fact that the word science is common in the Persian language; For example, in the Identity of Religious Science: A Cognitive Perspective on the Relationship between Religion and Human Sciences (Bagheri, 2007), in the first chapter it is not clear what is meant by science? Experimental? (Refer: Kafi, 2015, pp. 42-32).
Finally, the inaccuracy in translation works in the translation of the three English words knowledge, discipline, and science has added to the previous problems that sometimes all three words have been translated as science. This inaccuracy in translation has caused other mistakes in the discussion of what is science. For example, pay attention to this sentence: "Experience is the criterion of science being science", many have criticized this opinion that there are many sciences that experience is not the criterion of their scientificity, such as philosophy, mysticism, jurisprudence, etc.; But this point has not been paid attention to, that in this sentence, the word that is translated as science is science, which is translated as experimental science. Therefore, the correct translation of the sentence is that experience is the standard of scientific knowledge of experimental science, and this is correct. So it should be said that experience is the standard of science, not any science.
It seems that a one-sided view of science cannot lead us to the goal of understanding the nature of science. In other words, since a one-dimensional view (logical, philosophical, religious, scientific philosophy) is not a complete and accurate science, it should be viewed and defined from different perspectives and attitudes; Religious sources and teachings, logic, philosophy, philosophy of science and even science itself are among the most important attitudes based on which science can be defined today; Because all the sciences can be divided into two general categories in a sense: first, the sciences that God has revealed to humans through revelation to chosen people, whose written form has remained in the form of religious scriptures, and second, the sciences that Humans themselves have achieved them by using all their perceptive powers. According to this classification, the field of science is much wider than the field of empirical science.
Ambiguity in what it is and its nature, different interpretations, continuity, commonality, and inaccuracy in the translation of words with similar meanings regarding the word science has caused the meaning of science to be difficult to find in different texts. Therefore, in this research, while examining the meaning of science in logic, philosophy, philosophy of science and Islamic sources, we are trying to present models of the meaning of science based on Islamic sources and thought and to explore its relationship and appropriateness with the meaning of science in other paradigms. Maybe this effort will cause when a text about science is read and studied, it should be noted from which perspective science is looked at in that text, to minimize ambiguities.
Science in logic
In logic, science is used in the very broad sense of absolute knowledge, knowledge, or knowledge (the absoluteness of science in logic is related to any subject, method, and goal). Logical science refers to the internal processes of the mind or methods of information processing, a method by which data is noticed and recognized, encoded, stored in memory, and retrieved from memory when needed and used. Through these cognitive processes, humans know their surroundings, become aware of them, and respond to them.
In the definition of logical science or knowledge, there is no concern for the subject, method, and goal; Studying science in logic is possible for any subject, with any method and with any goal. For example, a part of it is obtained through an experimental method, and another part is obtained through intuition, narration, or reason. Logical science in terms of existence in the mind includes six categories of human mental data: ideas (Idea/concept) or conceptual knowledge and confirmations (judgment/assertion) or knowledge assertive, axioms (immediate/self-evident) and acquisitions (acquired), knowledge of particulars and knowledge of universals.


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