the role of metaphysical preassumptions in psychological and educational research



Since the beginning of the 20th century, research about learning, perception, cognitive development, intelligence and motivation theories has started. In this regard, western scholars have adopted positivism as the basis of their epistemological and research methodology. Unfortunately, during conducting their research projects, they have neglected the metaphysical presumptions of human behaviors and characteristics. As a result, a sketchy image of human potentials and his/her nature has been depicted.
The present article proposes that the previous conducted research works should be evaluated so as to identify their epistemological bases. It is also suggested that the application of positivism-based psychological and educational researches into the educational system of our society should take place with care and caution. The author argues that the dominance of secularism-based positivism in our educational system will hinder the system from achieving its main goal of preparing human being to live in the present world and the hereafter. Furthermore, steps should be taken to identify and elaborate research methodologies consistent with religious teachings so as to provide guidelines for leading research activities in psychology and education.
