Transcendent Wisdom in Scientific Methodology for Educational and Psychological Researches in Iran




This article seeks to answer the fundamental question why the psychological and educational sciences society in Iran require new thoughts about research methodology of psycho-educational investigations.
To answer this question, the author of this article makes use of some of the results of his current research on investigating "the research methodology of psychology" and education in Iran in an attempt to examine a number of hypotheses, such as:
Firstly, the text-books and resources used in university psychology and educational research methodology classes are generally based on theoretical foundations of positivism and post-positivism.
Secondly, is that, the Iranian psychology and education society does not pay serious attention that to the need of the science of psychology and education for adopting a new standpoint in the philosophy of science and taking advantage of qualitative and mixed method research as well as innovation in research methodology in psychology and education. The results which the examination yields are as follows:
1) The text-books of research methods of psychology and education, which are taught in Iranian universities, are mainly translations or adaptations of quantitative and statistical works of research methodology published in English.
2) There has been no talk about the mixed method research of psychology and education in these textbooks at all.
3) Alongside taking advantage of quantitative research methods, there is a need for a new sort of philosophy of science, which we call "transcendent wisdom". This philosophy of science can be approached and discovered by a new innovative research method, which we call "authentic creative research method".
