Hermeneutics can be defined as the epitome of the field of interpretation of religious texts and it plays a significant role in the kinds of study which are concerned with religious texts. The present essay starts with a brief definition of hermeneutics seeking to show its influence on the understanding of religious texts. Shedding light on the theory of author centredness, interpretor centredness and text centredness, the essay concludes that the aim of interpreting religious texts is to grasp the idea which the author has in mind, i. e. the author has a central role in interpretation of religious texts. The text, too, is regarded to have a certral significance in the sense that the subject matter of text contributes to realizing the author's idea. So studying the text is the means to approach what the author has in mind. Inerpretation of religious texts cannot be centred on the text to such an extent that the author's role will be ignored nor can it be centred on the role of the author to such an extent that the attention will be focused on the intellectual cultural and social background of the author rather than giving priority to the text. This essay maintains that the idea of interpretor centredness which is effected by the interpretor's personal opinion and judgement stands groundless and it advocates the idea of final meaning. It Regarding the different rulings of different religlous scholars on religious, issues, the essay holds that these different are noticed only in some cases not in all cases.