Man's Social Rights and Their Foundations in Imam Ali's Thought and His Government



One of the thinkers¨ demands for governments is to take due care of the social rights of citizens thus far.
No doubt, Imam `Ali (A.S.), as a Muslim ruler, concentrated on maintaining man¨s rights both in theory and in practice. This article refers to the relationship between the right and the duty from Imam Ali¨s viewpoint, studies the foundations of man¨s rights and duties and discusses Imam Ali¨s views of the motives for government and politics. Among the issues with which this article deals are loyalty to the moral standards (codes), commitment to the divine commandments, acceptance of criticism, rejection of flattery and ceremonial etiquette, counselling and respect of others¨ ideas.
Finally, the article refers to certain economic rights such as freedom of production along with social security, the observance of justice in spending public treasury, attending to the needs of the weak and other man¨s social rights.