An Assessment of Envionmental Care of the Two Five-year Programmes in Our Country



The process of preservation of the environment and attainment of sustainable development has attracted many people's attention. If such a development takes into account the environmental issues, then it will be able to satisfy the new generation without bringing any harm to the future generation's potentialities. The best and the most appropriate way to achieve this aim and ensure its continuity demands a proper cultural background, environmental ethics and high moral commitment which have their roots in culture, world-view and the creeds of a society, and these have to be properly discovered, understood and put to practice.
The study of long-term development programmes in our country indicates that, although there have been positive attitudes for preserving the environment and considerable efforts have been made in this regard, all these seem to be trivial before the amount of destruction and the pollution of the environment due to the development activities which know nothing of the required cultural conditions. Having taken into consideration the present condition of the environment in Iran, this study evaluates the process of environmental care in the long-term development programmes in our country.
