

The writer first mentions the Kant and Hegel views on the man.According to Kant, the man consists of «intellect« and «human desires«, whilest in Hegel's view, there is a third component at work called «history«. Hegel holds that the cooperation and confilict of the «intellect« and «human desires « should be studied in the course of history.
The writer then goes on to divide the history into two periodes in the past,to compare the modern man with the older man.He then discucces seeking meanigfulness, seeking for identity with education on the notions of «meaning «and «identity «, their realm of meaning, relation, and  the ancient and modern men's modes of dealing with them.
IDENTITY:All human beings have got questions such as: what is the man? What is the world? What are the origins and ends of man and the world? What are the referents of ©good ¨and ©evil¨ ? Upon these questions they have taken sides, hence without any answer to these, the man would lose a definition of his own.
MEANING: A set of various human acts,discourse,modes,and desires.Since all of them can not be realized, men can not but give priority to some of them over others.
MEANING -IDENTITY RELATION: One who gets identity, he also gets meaning.
In the older world, a power and source beyond the human being was to answer his questions about the origin of the world; however, in the modern world man considers thinking and contempelation as the origin of evrything.
Identity crisis has provoked different reactions. Modernism, though it has brought about posetive results, it has kept silent to answer for questions of high significance for man.Man's future is highly dependent upon planning a new scheme for the place of identity and thought, hence, the 21th century will be either spritual, or it will not be at all.