Is Education a Science?



Man supposes that whatever he does not know of does not exist. Hence to know anything, he tries to put it into a certain order. However, the human mind can attain new modes of thought through breaking the imposed orders and moulds. In line with this, simplification of educational elements and methods are harmful, because such methods emerge between two extremes of the educator and the learner, hence a mechanical description of the controlling factors of their behaviour is unfeasible.
One of the basic problems in education is whether to regard it as a scientific discipline or to try to make it scientific.
However, in response to the question of how to acquire educational techniques and methods, and what is the criterion or the source of right education, it should be clearly stated that science can provide some means to achieve the goal. Educational principles and aims are not covered in the realm of scientific methods, so the scientists' efforts have not been fruitful.
Education deals with sentiments which cannot be measured systematically. It is concerned with values totally out of the range of science. To explain education in the realms of science, technology, and arts, the artistic and tempremental aspects are salient in educational methods which are not transmitable nor learnable, but they are innovated individually.