The Model Man from Islamic and Psychological Perspectives



The Model man is by definition that one who is above normal man and below the perfect one (described as the ultimate level of humanity) such that talked about in Islamic mysticism.
Concerning the model man, the views of Alport, Forum, Rogers, Jung and Frankle are quoted. Maslow's formulations are also taken into account and criticized. In Islam, the model man is the believer one. Then the attributes and characters of the believer is extracted from the Quranic verses and the hadiths of the Imams. There are four levels as follows with the attention to Salvator Maddi's definition:
1. The Core of Personality with respect to tendencies and attributes.
2. The transaction of this core with outside which determines the life style.
3. Marginal attributes or the smallest acquired units of personality.
4. The developing level of Personality, e.g. actions, thoughts and sensations.
Finally, The Islamic View is compared with that of Psychology concerning Personality.