Keywords = Methodology
Investigation of the Components of the Complexity Paradigm in the New Institutional Economics

Volume 28, Issue 113, December 2023, Pages 17-30


Somayeh Heidari; Seyed Mohammad Bagher Najafi

Comparing Max Weber’s and Javad Tabatabaei’s Methodology to the Reason for the Backwardness of Ancient Iran

Volume 28, Issue 110, April 2022, Pages 71-83


Hosein Roohani; Reza Mahmoud Oghli; Ali Mortazavi Emami Zavareh

Bhaskar's minimal methodology: an argument against relativism

Volume 27, Issue 109, December 2021, Pages 1-14


Maryam Poostforush; Mostafa Taqavi

Fundamental Methodology of Feminist Thought In Iran

Volume 26, Issue 104, January 2021, Pages 17-28


abolfazl eqbali; hamid parsania

Methodological Analysis in Iranian Sociological Research

Volume 25, Issue 101, August 2020, Pages 15-32


Habib Ahmadi; Hamid Heidary; mohammad taqi iman; esfandiar ghafarinasab

Crossing the Description - Interpretation Dualism in Phenomenology with Merleau-Ponty

Volume 25, Issue 100, January 2020, Pages 43-58


Ali Vahdati Daneshmand; nargess Sajjadieh

Reconstruction of Karl Marx’s Methodology

Volume 24, Issue 97, February 2019, Pages 39-55


Monireh Bahreini; saeid zibakalam

The Methodology of Theorizing Islamic Art and Architecture

Volume 24, Issue 96, December 2018, Pages 71-89


Ahmad Aminpoor; Alireza Piroozmand; Abas jahan bakhsh

Methodology of Institutional Facts

Volume 24, Issue 95, July 2018, Pages 73-82


Hassan Agha Nazari

Analysis for Suitable Methodology for Social Research in Military Organizations

Volume 24, Issue 94, June 2018, Pages 101-118


Nabi allah Kohan; ali Nasr Isfahani

Ghazali's Methodology in Psychology of Religion

Volume 19, 74-75, September 2013, Pages 149-170

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Explanation and analysis of "Velayee" theory of knowledge

Volume 18, Issue 71, September 2012, Pages 9-44

Abdulhossein Khosropanah

The Philosophical Analysis of John Rawls’ Methodology in Derivation of Economic Justice Criterion

Volume 16, Issue 62, March 2010, Pages 35-60

Mohammad Reza Arman Mehr; Mahmoud Motevasseli

A Study of Blumer's Methodology in Social Sciences

Volume 15, Issue 61, December 2009, Pages 103-122

Esfandiar Ghafarinasab; Mohammad Taghi Iman